
Office Superintendent for 14 Post with fixed Salary 10,000 for First Five Year સીધી ભરતી પસંદગી સમિમત, અનુસૂચિત જામત કલ્યાણ ગુજરાત રાજય, ગાંધીનગર

સાિાજજક ન યાય, અને અમધકારીતા મિભાગ સચિિાલય ગાંધીનગર ના મનયંત્રણ હેઠળની મનયાિકશ્રી અનુ જામત કલ્ યાણ ગાંધીનગરની કિેરી ઉપરાંત રાજયની જજલ્ લા કિેરીઓિાં િગગ-૩ની કિેરી અમધક્ષક અને તેની સિકક્ષ સંિગગની જગ યાઓ પર સીધી ભરતીની િેરીય યાદી તાયાર કરિા િાયે આ જગ યાના ભરતી મનયિમ જુજીની કાક્ષણીક લાયકાત ધરાિતાં ઉિેદિારમ પાસેથી મનયત નજૂનાિાં અથિા િેીસાઈય તા.૨૦/૯/૨૦૧૨ (ીપમર ૨-૦૦ કલાક) થી તા.૧૦/૧૦/૨૦૧૨ (સિય રાત્રીના ૧૧.૫૯ કલાક સુધી) દરમ્ યાન અર િંગાિિાિાં આિે છે. ઉિેદિારે તાજેતરનમ પાસપમયગ ફમયમગ્રાફ (15kb) અને સહીનમ નજુનમ (15kb) સાઈઝથી િધે નહી તે રીતે jpg ફમિેયિાં સ્ કેન કરી ઓનલાઈન અર િાં અપલમક કરિાનમ રહેકે. ઉિેદિારે પમતાના કાક્ષણીક ,િય અને જામત તેિજ લાયકાત ના ીધાજ પ્રિાણપત્રમ પમતાની પાસે રાખિાના રહેકે.અને અર પત્રક;િાં તે જુજીની મિગતમ ભરિાની રહેકે. પસંદગીની પ્રક્રીયા િાયેની પરીક્ષા હેતુલક્ષી પશ્નમિાળી ઓ.એિ.આર પધ્ધતીથી લેિાિાં આિકે. પરીક્ષા સંદભગની ીધીજ સુિનાઓ િમીાઈલ નંીર પર એસ.એિ.એસ થી આપિાિાં આિકે આથી અર પત્રકિાં સંીંમધત કમલિિાં િમીાઈલ નંીર અિશ્ ય દકાગિિમ. તેિજ પસંદગીની તિાિ પ્રક્રીયા પુરી ન થાય ત યાં સુધી આ નંીર ીદલિમ નહી.

સીધી ભરતી Click Here

Staff Selection Commision North Region of SSC Recruitment 2012-2013 For 268 Vacancies

SSC of the Staff Selection Commision North Region invited to SSC Recruitment 2012-2013 for 268 various Vacancies and on it’s official website at

The ssc has invited to online application of group c and d is non gazatted post or this recruitment is like as a government job and this section is many years worked in india

Total 268 Vacancies full detail :
Assistant Drugs Inspector : 31
Data Processing Assistant Grade : 04
Senior Technical : 25
Research Investigator : 01
Technician : 13
Assistant : 04
Research : 08
Wildlife : 01
Security : 01
Research : 02
Assistant Curators : 11
Assistant Curator : 01
Senior Research Assistant : 01
Botanical Assistant : 02
Court Master : 01
Junior Technical : 11
Research :04
Senior Scientific Assistant : 01
Senior Scientific : 01
Heraldic Assistant : 01
Library & Information : 01
Senior Library and Information Assistant : 05
Security Supervisor : 02
Senior Technical Assistant : 01
Senior Scientific Assistant : 01
Senior Technical Assistant : 04
Fisheries Research Investigator : 01
Planning Assistant : 02
Senior Scientific Assistant : 01
Russian Steno : 01
Research Assistant : 04
Data Processing Assistant : 02
Technical Assistant : 01
Senior Technical : 18
Market Intelligence Inspector : 04
Senior Technical : 04 post
Assistant Exhibition Officer : 01 post
Junior Wireless Operator : 09 post
Investigator : 03 post
Modeller : 03 posts
Senior Draftsman : 11 post
Technical Officer : 03 posts
Draughtsman : 09 posts
Assistant Central Intelligence : 05 posts
Computor : 01 post
Tourist Information Officer : 02 posts
Senior Scientific : 05 posts
Taxidermist Grade : 01 post
Section Officer : 04 posts
Zoo-Ranger : 02 posts
Statistical : 01 post
Youth Assistant Grade : 08 posts
Technical : 01 post
Accounts Clerk : 01 post
Caretaker : 01 post
Farm Assistant : 01 post
Library Clerk : 01post
Junior Technical Assistant : 03 posts
Reprographic Assistant : 01 post
Telephone Operator : 01 post
Scientific Assistant : 01 post
Scientific Assistant : 01
Computer Operator : 01
Assistant Centreal Intelligence Officer : 05
Data Entry Operator : 02
Calligraphist : 01
Junior Technical Assistant : 02
Library Clerk : 01

Age limit :
There are ssa rules for age limit.

Application Fee :
There are generel and obc candidates are pay just Rs. 50 per application and sc-st-pwd-exsm candidates are expect for fee.

Important dates :
There are last date of application is 12th october 2012 and last date of application recipt is 19th october 2012.

How to apply :
That is first download application form and print out this form and requred to attech form documents and send to following address.

Address :
Regional Director (NR)
Staff Selection Commission Block No.12,
Lodhi Road, CGO Complex,
New Delhi– 110504

All candidate can be download application form for SSC Recruitment to click here : SSC Recruitment 2012

મહેસુલ વિભાગની ભરતી સવમવત, સુવિન્ટેન્ડન્ટ ઓફ સ્ટેમ્પ્સ અને નોંધણી સર વનરીક્ષક,ગુ.રા.ગાાંધીનગર ડો.જીિરાજ મહેતા ભિન, જુના સચિિાલય, ગાાંધીનગ૨

મહેસુલ વિભાગની ભરતી સવમવત, સુવિન્ટેન્ડન્ટ ઓફ સ્ટેમ્પ્સ અને નોંધણી સર વનરીક્ષક, ગુ.રા.ગાાંધીનગરની કિેરીના વનયાંત્રણ હેઠળની રાજ્યની જુદી જુદી તાલુકા/ જીલ્લાની કિેરીઓમાાં નીિે દર્ાાિેલી િગા-૩ ની જગ્યા પર સીધી ભરતીની મેરીટ યાદી તૈયાર કરિા માટે જગ્યાના સાંદભામાાં ઉલ્લેખ કરેલ ભરતી વનયમો મુજબની ર્ૈક્ષચણક લાયકાત ધરાિતાાં ઉમેદિારો પાસેથી વનયત નમૂનામાાં OJAS િેબસાઈટ પર માત્ર ઓનલાઈન અરજીઓ માાંગિામાાં આિે છે. આ માટે ઉમેદિારે અથિા િેબસાઈટ પર તા.૧૦/૯/૨૦૧૨ (સિારે ૧૨-૦૦ કલાક) થી તા.૨૪/૯/૨૦૧૨ (સમય રાત્રીના ૧૧.૫૯ કલાક સુધી) દરમ્પયાન અરજી કરિાની રહેર્ે. ઉમેદિારે તાજેતરનો પાસપોટા ફોટોગ્રાફ (15 kb) અને સહીનો નમૂનો (15 kb) સાઈઝથી િધે નહી તે રીતે JPG ફોમેટમાાં સ્કેન કરી ઓનલાઈન અરજીમાાં અપલોડ કરિાનો રહેર્ે. ઉમેદિારે પોતાના બધાજ ર્ૈક્ષચણક, િય અને જાવત તેમજ લાયકાતના િમાણપત્રો પોતાની પાસે રાખિાના રહેર્ે અને અરજીપત્રકમાાં તે મુજબની વિગતો ભરિાની રહેર્ે. પસાંદગીની િક્રિયા માટેની પરીક્ષા હેતુલક્ષી િશ્નોિાળી ઓ.એમ.આર. પદ્દવતથી લેિામાાં આિર્ે. પરીક્ષા સાંદભાની બધી જ સૂિનાઓ મોબાઈલ નાંબર પર એસ.એમ.એસ. થી આપિામાાં આિર્ે આથી અરજીપત્રકમાાં સાંબાંવધત કોલમમાાં મોબાઈલ નાંબર અિશ્ય દર્ાાિિો.તેમજ પસાંદગીની તમામ િક્રિયા પુરી ન થાય તયાાં સુધી આ નાંબર બદલિો નહીં.

More Infomation Click Here ICAI Online Registration,Form,Online Payment Nov 2012 Bloggers Blog Bloggers ! ICAI Online 2012: Professional Competence Examination (PCE), Integrated Professional Competence Examination (IPCE) and Final Examinations are organized by ICAI and will be held in November 2012. Applicants who want to join ICAI exam may fill up online application form in prescribed format. Aspirants need to fill up form with original and mandatory information and need to submit through online portal. Privatejobshub will provide completed details of ICAI online registration and payment method. Contender is asked to follow few steps to get the more information on online application.

Top 10 Universities in India

Application fee: Aspirants for fill up form must pay application fee through demand draft in favour of The Secretary, The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, payable at New Delhi. Also aspirants must mention name of applicant back side of demand draft with registration no and have to get application receipt for further recruitment actions.

How to apply: For first user, need to create an account on ICAI official website in case of online application. Now after create account aspirants are requested to login and fill up form with necessary information as required in application form. Applicants are requested to take print out of application form if they have been verified entered details and get hard copy of challan form with printout application. Now go through any nationalized bank and payment for application fee. After payment receive payment receipt for further in written test.

How to fill Online Application Form

Important dates:
If Submitted Online Without Late Fee: 31st August, 2012
If Submitted Online with Late Fee: 07th September, 2012 (Late fee: Rs 500/-)

APDSC Hall Ticket 2012 Download Admit Card Bloggers Blog Bloggers !

APDSC Hall Ticket 2012:- Andhra Pradesh Commissioner and Director of School Education few months ago invite application for teaching and non teaching posts recruitment. There were 21,343 total openings. T6housands of aspirants applied for these posts. Aspirants those who were applied their exam will be conducts on 26th August 2012. Aspirants will be needs the hall ticket to appearing in this exam. Aspirants may download their APDSC hall ticket 2012 at Aspirants may also download from here other recruitments examinations hall tickets.

How to download APDSC admit card –
· Aspirants just log on to
· Go to the ‘Download Hall Ticket’ link.
· A new page will be opened.
· Go to that link which you want
· Input candidate id/ reference id.
· Press go button from your computer mouse.
· Finally aspirant hall ticket/ admit will be displayed.

Aspirants now just need to take a print out of your admit card and keep it care fully for your exam. Without hall ticket no one candidate can enter in the examination hall.

Direct link for APDSC admit card
Other recruitments admit cards
How to download Admit Card / Hall Ticket
Written exam preparation tips
Top 10 job searching tips
Interview preparation tips
GK Preparation Tips 2012
Current Affairs - 2012

How to Crack SSC CGL 2012-2013 Tips,Material,Strategy Bloggers Blog Bloggers !

Staff selection Commission exam held on every year for recruitment to various posts. If you applied in SSC exam so improve your ability to understand correct English, Reasoning, Mathematical Problem, his basic comprehension and writing ability etc. It’s a specific advised for candidates to reading newspaper and magazine. Most of the time exam date is disclosed before time because students don’t take stress and start their exam preparation free minded according to exam date. When they start their preparation they select smart books related to SSC exam . Update their current knowledge. Mainly concentrate on Subject in which they are week. If you are afraid of mathematical problems than to do more practise on maths numerical comparison to other subject and always attempt all short questions because short question increased your score in exam. Improve your calculation Speed because calculator is not allowed in exam. Time management must be a important factor. So when you start your preparation. Followed these tips which is given below:

1.Application alerts- You send your application by post or emails. After it you aware
For your call letters.

2.Select best material – Selected book which are related SSC exam ,provide a good guidance to get your achievement which contain last year question paper.

3.Time management:-Maintain your study time according your exam date. Prefer to morning time for study .

4.Reivison- Revised your important notes, main points ,main headings.

All the best for your upcoming exams.

IIAS Recruitment 2012 Online Application Form Download Bloggers Blog Bloggers !

IIAS Recruitment 2012: Applications are invited by Indian Institute of Advanced Study (IIAS) for filling up various non-technical vacancies on contractual basis. Applicants completing entire criterion for any single vacancy may apply through IIAS application form that is downloadable on its official portal. Applicants may get complete information on IIAS recruitment just needs to read complete post carefully. Aspirants must fill up application form with mandatory information and valid information concerned to achieve qualifications in past years and also need to fill up some personal information. Applicants are requested to submit application form to authentic executive address as published in official advertisement.

Latest Government Jobs 2012

IIAS Recruitment 2012 details:

Name of the Organization----Indian Institute of Advanced Study (IIAS)
Post----Assistant and clerks
No. of post----10
Educational Qualification----Graduate and master degree
Selection Procedure----Written test & Interview
Age Limit----18-28 years
Last date for application----Within 21 days from date of notification

More details on vacancies:
S.No Position name

No of vacancies

Stenographer 01


Assistant 02


Hindi Translator 01


Upper Division Clerk (UDC) 01


Upper Division Clerk (UDC)04


Tailor 01

Age limitation: contender should read age criterion for apply IIAS recruitment. Aspirants must have age between age limit 18-28 years as per recruitment rule and for reserved category, aspirants are relax able in age criterion as per govt rules.
Academic qualification: Aspirant must qualified educational qualification limit and must completed graduation and master degree in relevant trade from any reputed university of India.
Selection Process in Competitive Exams
Interview Questions and Answers for Freshers
Preparation Tips for Written Exam
Application fee: For OBC and gen candidates application fee is charged Rs 200/- and Rs 100/- for reserved category in form of bank demand draft through any nationalized bank of India. Application fee should in favour of The Secretary, IIAS, Shimla payable at Shimla.
Application procedure: Applicants must download application form and need to stuff form with relevant information of academic qualification and some personal details (father name/mother name and etc). After complete application form, aspirants must include required attested documents with application form and need to send it to authentic physical address of recruitment executive:
Rashtrapati Nivas, Shimla – 171 005

Last date of application: Within 21 days from notification.

Interview Tips for Freshers 2012 Bloggers Blog Bloggers !

An interview is a final step for selection to any job. Eligibility for giving interview means that the candidate have right aptitude and knowledge for the job, he has required knowledge about the subject. A one-one communication in the form of interview makes the decision final that whether the candidate should be selected for the job or not.

Different types of interview sessions

1) Questions asked on the basis of your CV and past academics background.

2) Interview by a number of people where the candidate is pressurized by asking number of question during the same time.

3) Interview on doing and explaining some task on some traits like leadership, management etc.

Preparation tips for interview round

1) Read your resume completely.

2) Prepare question which can be asked by the interview panel. Questions related to your academic records and your hobbies are generally asked by the interview panel.

3) Read about the organisation for which you are interviewed, go through the official website of the organisation once completely and have a look on the products and services offered by the company.

4) Rehearse your interview round, gave interview in front of your teacher or an interview expert few times before the actual interview.

Consider the following points

Be punctual - Arrive on time better half an hour earlier. Have a positive body language, good eye contact, wear neat and clean clothes.

During the interview be confident about your answers and be true and loyal to interview panel. Don’t hide your weaknesses and accept your week areas in front of interview panel. Good communication skills are essential for success in any interview, so work on your communication skills also. Interview panel may ask the candidate to write something or to draw anything, so well prepare with your stationary items as well.

Preparation Tips for Written Exam Bloggers Blog Bloggers !

If you are preparing for written exam of any competitive exam/entrance exam or applying for any job, then you are at the right place. Here we are suggesting you important tips which every candidate must apply during his/her preparation. Consider these tips strongly these will definitely benefit you in getting success in your exam.

1) Preparation Materiel - The aspirants must study from latest and update study materiel. The preparation books must cover the latest exam pattern and exam syllabus. Preparation books plays a major role in any candidate success.

2) Exam pattern - For every exam, there is a specific exam pattern like number of questions in the exam, number of sections, exam duration, provision of negative marking or not, nature of exam (subjective, objective or both). The candidate must considered all these factors in mind during his preparation and during giving the exam. Preparing yourself according to the exam pattern not according to the books will help you in fetching more marks.

3) Time- Table - A dedicated preparation time table will definitely increase the probability of success in any exam. Students should follow a pre planned time table and divide their study hours in different subjects and accordingly cover all the subjects and topics.

4) Importance of Revision - Revision of concepts/chapters/formulas and definition is very much important. generally students must keep revising their chapters with in every 2 months during their preparation.

5) Self - preparatory notes- Self preparatory notes increases your confidence and build your fundamentals more clear and strong. This will definitely increase your success in your exam

6) Expert guidance - expert guidance is must for any exam preparation, along with the expert guidance students must solve previous year papers and do some mock test papers also.


Carefully read and follow all the instruction given in the exam paper.
Don't overestimate and don't underestimate the exam paper, always remember that every candidate get the same exam paper. If the exam paper is easy then it is easy for everyone and if it is difficult then it is difficult for everyone.
Don't stuck to any question for long period of time. If you became confused and stuck in between then leave that question and jump to another question.
Always attempt your strongest section or the type of question in which you are strong.
Always believe in your preparation and yourself and have faith that you can crack the paper.

Tech Lead Jobs (Salary,Roles and Responsibilities,Job),Bangalore 2012 Bloggers Blog Bloggers !

Tech Lead Jobs 2012:

RTEMIS, a leading Human Resources and Consultant company require high professional applicants for filling up Tech lead Jobs for contractual agreement. Aspirants both fresher and experienced are legally eligible and may apply with newest resume with detailed information. Aspirants are recommended to confirm their eligibility in academic qualification and age criterion as published in recruitment cell. Aspirants are requested to collect required documents for apply for Tech lead jobs 2012. Aspirants must mention past year experience in resume with pay scale and post qualification with complete duration. For more details aspirants may enrol Privatejobshub for access complete information on Tech Lead Salary, Roles and Responsibilities and Salary, Roles and Responsibilities Job .

Tech Lead Jobs 2012 details:
Name of the Organization


Tech Lead

No. of post ---------25
Educational Qualification ------------BE/B.Tech /Bsc Computers
Selection Procedure--------------- Interview
Age Limit -------------N/A
Last date for application------------- Apply now

Tech Lead Salary: Aspirants will have a fixed monthly remuneration Rs 15,000 to 20,000/- as mentioned in recruitment advertisement.

Academic qualification: Contender are advised to have Graduation in computer trade from any recognized university of India and must be approved UGC/AICTE.

B.A / B.Com / Bsc jobs

Selection procedure: Aspirants will have a personal interview session based on technical questions and finally selection will be through technical knowledge and academic qualification.

Selection Process in Competitive Exams

Interview Tips for Freshers 2012

How to contact: Aspirants to apply Tech lead jobs must write an effective resume with complete details including personal and educational qualification with experience. After prepare a resume applicants must create a new email id or can apply with any valid existing email address. Aspirants must choose upload option for resume in email and must mention recruitment name in subject field. Now send email and wait for response by Company HR.
Recruiter Name: Ms. Anitha
Email Address:

Interview Tips for Freshers 2012 Bloggers Blog Bloggers !

An interview is a final step for selection to any job. Eligibility for giving interview means that the candidate have right aptitude and knowledge for the job, he has required knowledge about the subject. A one-one communication in the form of interview makes the decision final that whether the candidate should be selected for the job or not.

Different types of interview sessions

1) Questions asked on the basis of your CV and past academics background.

2) Interview by a number of people where the candidate is pressurized by asking number of question during the same time.

3) Interview on doing and explaining some task on some traits like leadership, management etc.

Preparation tips for interview round

1) Read your resume completely.

2) Prepare question which can be asked by the interview panel. Questions related to your academic records and your hobbies are generally asked by the interview panel.

3) Read about the organisation for which you are interviewed, go through the official website of the organisation once completely and have a look on the products and services offered by the company.

4) Rehearse your interview round, gave interview in front of your teacher or an interview expert few times before the actual interview.

Consider the following points

Be punctual - Arrive on time better half an hour earlier. Have a positive body language, good eye contact, wear neat and clean clothes.

During the interview be confident about your answers and be true and loyal to interview panel. Don’t hide your weaknesses and accept your week areas in front of interview panel. Good communication skills are essential for success in any interview, so work on your communication skills also. Interview panel may ask the candidate to write something or to draw anything, so well prepare with your stationary items as well.

Selection Process in Competitive Exams Bloggers Blog Bloggers !

Selection Process in Competitive Exams -

The candidates who are going for the examination must know about the selection procedure of the organization, for which the candidate is applying. The candidate must know about the steps that the organization takes to select the best suited person for the position the organization is offering to that individual. The organization conducts exam for recruiting qualitative and dedicated eligible candidates for admission, or the industry is conducting examination for recruitment, they follows various different eligibility criteria. The following steps are the generally followed sequence in the selection procedure of organisations:

Preliminary Interview/Application Screening.
Written Test.
Group Discussion
Employment interview

Preliminary Interviews (Screening interview)/Application Screening: In this step the candidates, who don’t meet the minimum eligibility criteria stipulated by the institute or any industry or company are eliminated. In this the organization gauges candidates’ skills, academic and family background, hobbies and interests. It is not normally conducted in the various examinations process. The final interview is formalized more than preliminary interviews. The aspirants are given concise details about the job profile or academics. By this it is also determined that how much the candidate knows about relevant information.At this stage applicants applications are also screening out and only those candidates are allowed to sit in the written exam who fulfill the eligibility criterion of the organisation.

Written Test: It is a test conducted normally in all the selection procedure of the student or job aspirant. For an academic it is known as Entrance Exam. The candidate appearing for the written exam must have the full knowledge of the syllabus that is prescribed by the institute or the company. The candidate have to be prepared for the exam by reading whole syllabus topics and as well as practicing with the previous year examination papers. They can also practice with some sample papers. The written exam is almost an objective exam paper. There are also negative marks in the exam mostly preferred is ¼. It consists of the following subjects like Aptitude Test, Reasoning, English Grammar, General Awareness, Computer knowledge, or any other subjects relevant to the organization requirement.

Group Discussion: Group Discussion is the criteria to gauge a person for his/her personality traits, skills, behavioral skills and attitude, etc. This also shows the reasoning ability of the candidate. While you are going to participate in a group discussion session, it is required that the aspirant must be prepared for it. To accomplish your success in group discussion you must be able to communicate well with others, with listening skills and understand the stuff that is currently discussing in the group.

Employment interview: A one to one interaction between interviewer and the potential candidate. It is used to check the ability of the person and also to know; Is it suitable or not for that job. These interviews consume time as well as money both. Such interviews may be biased at times. Such interview is conducted by the interviews to know whole details and in/outs of the candidates.

Add Favicon icon to Blogger URL !

Have you wondered how these little icons appear next to the web addresses, like the one you see above? When you visit the sites or bookmark them, these icons will make these URLs stand out. These are “Favicons” or “Favorite Icons”.

You would first need to have an icon which you would like to use, bearing the extension .ico format. If you search your hard disk, you might find some icons which are generic. I would suggest that you create one to represent your own unique identity. There are quite a number of free icon editor software which you can download from the net.

As for myself, I went to site and downloaded a very small program called Imagicon which can transform images into .ico format. I created an image using Photoshop. You can use any image or pictures if you do not wish to create one. Next, run the program. It is rather simple to use. While you can create icons in 2 sizes – 16x16 and 32x32 – I would think a 16x16 icon is preferable since it is readable in most older browsers.

If you do not wish to download any software, you may also try creating an icon online. Just enter the keywords “online icon generator” into your Google search bar, and you should be able to find several programs that you can try.

Once you have created an icon, save it into your hard disk. The next step of attaching the icon is a little tricky. Ideally, all you need to do is to save it in the root directory of your blog site. Nevertheless, there is no way this can be done. For one, if you try to upload an icon image, Blogger will reject it. Two, any file that is uploaded will not go into the Blogger root directory.

The only method to use will be to upload the icon into some web folder, and create a link. You can read about using free hosts like Google Page Creator and Google Groups. We have also a rather comprehensive list of free Image Hosts and File Hosting Services in our article on Manage Blogger Image Storage Space. Check out those sites and choose one that is fast, reliable and allows uploading of .ico files.

Once you have done that, take note of the URL of your icon. If you are using Google Page Creator, hovering your mouse over the link, you will see that the file is stored under a directory which looks like this
where “yourname” is your Gmail account name, and “iconname” is the file name. Copy this URL.

Go back to your Blogger dashboard and under the Template tab, go to “Edit HTML”. Near the top you will see a line like this:-


Copy and insert the following code below the line:-

Inserting this will also work but the former is preferred:-

Remember to type in the “URL of your icon file”.

Save the template. When you refresh your blog site, you should see your nice little Favicon next to the blog address.

Other image types

The .ico image format has been used by many but you can also create an image under the .png or .gif format. Ensure that the size of the image is either 16x16 pixels or 32x32 pixels.

If you have a PNG format image, the link to insert is:-

If it is a GIF format image, the link is:-

External Domain

For those who have hosted sites in external domains, insert the link in the root directory as well. Otherwise, you can upload the file into the root directory and name it favicon.ico

As an example, if your domain name is, the URL of the favicon will be

This method is not preferred but a number of browser versions are able to process the icon. Since we do not have external domains to try out this alternative, you may want to see if it works for you.


While you can see the Favicon in Mozilla Firefox, many have problems seeing the Favicon in Internet Explorer. This is a known problem and has been a sore point with many IE users. In some versions of IE, bookmarking the site will display the Favicon. This is not necessarily so in IE7 that we are using. In fact, when we bookmarked the highly popular search engine sites, their Favicons don't show in our IE bookmarks too although they show well in Firefox. Perhaps this is one more reason to download Mozilla Firefox if you have not already done so.

Add Blogger search box

The Google Navigation bar at the top of your Blogger blogs has an embedded search box. However, you may want to include a similar box in the main body of your blog (like what I have done), or the sidebar. Other than the convenience for users, the added advantage is that unlike Google search box, the search results of this search box appear in the main body of your Blog.

Under Template->Page Elements tab, click “Add a Page Element” at the place where you want your search box to appear. Select “HTML/JavaScript”.

There are several HTML codes posted on the net. I tried a few, and found the one that works as follows:-

<p align="left">
<form id="searchthis" action="YOUR BLOG URL/search" style="display:inline;" method="get">
<strong>NAME OF YOUR BLOG<br/></strong>
<input id="b-query" maxlength="255" name="q" size="20" type="text"/>
<input id="b-searchbtn" value="Search" type="submit"/>


Remember to change YOUR BLOG URL to the URL or web address of your Blog. Also, change the NAME OF YOUR BLOG to that which you want to call your site. For instance, if your Blog Name is long, you may want to write something like “Search Here” or “Search this site”.

You can also change the “Search” button to say, “Hit” or “Go”, by changing the Value.

Save the code and refresh your page. If you want a longer or shorter search box, you can play around with the size. The above example of a width size="20" and value="Hit" will give you this:-

Search Here

Whereas a width size="30" and value="Go" will give you this:-

Search Here

The size of the search box is a matter of appearance. You may have noticed that the maxlength="255". This indicates that a user may enter up to 255 characters in the search box, which I think is sufficient and need not be altered.

Image instead of Search button

Search Tips for New Bloggers

Just for the fun of it, if you want readers to click an image instead of a button, you will first need to do up a small picture. You can also resize a picture you already have with photo editing tools like Google's Picasa. After creating a picture, upload it onto a free server like GooglePages or Google Groups, or other free hosts that offer direct links to the image files. Take note of this IMAGE URL.

The HTML code to insert is this:-

<p align="left">
<form id="searchthis" action="YOUR BLOG URL/search" style="display:inline;" method="get">
<strong>NAME OF YOUR BLOG<br/></strong>
<input id="b-query" maxlength="255" name="q" size="20" type="text"/>
<input id="b-searchbtn" type="image" src="IMAGE URL" align="top"/>


Remember to insert into the code the IMAGE URL, where your picture is uploaded. You can align the image to the top, bottom or set a horizontal space between the bar and the image by using a hspace tag. For more examples on alignment of images, you may refer to the article Hyperlinks and Image Links (II).

While it is alright to replace the button of your Blogger search box, you may not want to do that with the Google search box since their T.O.S. disallows any alteration of their code.

NVS Lucknow Recruitment 2012 Various Vacancy Apply Now Bloggers Blog Bloggers !

NVS Lucknow Recruitment 2012 Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti has invites the applications from the eligible candidates on the Direct basis recruitment for the posts of Catering Assistant, Staff Nurse and Store Keeper. The eligible candidates may send their application in the prescribed form pattern on or before the last dated as per NVS Lucknow. For further more details on NVS Lucknow Recruitment 2012 candidates must see below –
Name of the Organization
NVS Lucknow
Catering Assistant, LDC,
Staff Nurse, Store Keeper
Educational Qualification
Age Limit
Application Fee
Rs. 500/-
Last Date of Application Receipt
Within 30 Days
Not happy with this recruitment looking for more Govt. jobs
No. of Vacancies –
1.   Catering Assistant - 07
2.   Staff Nurse – 01
3.   Lower Division Clerk - 24
4.   Store Keeper – 18

Age Limit
(in years)
Pay- Scale
Catering Assistant
Rs. 5200 – 20200
+ GP Rs. 2400
10th + Diploma in Catering
Female Staff Nurse
Rs. 9300 – 34800
+ GP Rs. 4600
12th + Certificate in Nursing/
B.Sc. (Nurse)
LDC/ Store Keeper
18 – 27
Rs. 5200 – 20200
+ GP Rs. 1900
Selection Procedure – The candidates have to give written test and skill test and may be called for further selection elimination process.

Selection Procedure – The candidates have to give written test and skill test and may be called for further selection elimination process.
Interview Tips for Freshers 2012

Application Fee – The candidates have to have to pay non refundable
application fee of about Rs. 500/- in form of Demand Draft drawn in favour to The Deputy Commissioner, Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti, Lucknow payable on National Bank at Lucknow.

How To Apply – The applicants can download the application format from the ‘’. Duly fill in the application form with all mandatory details Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti, Third Floor Lekhraj Panna, Sector – 2 Vikas Nagar, Lucknow – 226022 through ordinary post on or before 30th Day since date of notification publishing.

Tips and Preparation material –
GK Online Preparation

Computer Quiz
Maths - Online Test preparation

Reasoning Online Test Preparation
Student Success Strategy

Preparation Tips for Written Exam
How to fill Online Application Form

Jobs for 10/12th
Sarkari Naukri in 2012

Interview Tips for Freshers 2012 Bloggers Blog Bloggers !

An interview is a final step for selection to any job. Eligibility for giving interview means that the candidate have right aptitude and knowledge for the job, he has required knowledge about the subject. A one-one communication in the form of interview makes the decision final that whether the candidate should be selected for the job or not.

Different types of interview sessions

1) Questions asked on the basis of your CV and past academics background.

2) Interview by a number of people where the candidate is pressurized by asking number of question during the same time.

3) Interview on doing and explaining some task on some traits like leadership, management etc.

Preparation tips for interview round

1) Read your resume completely.

2) Prepare question which can be asked by the interview panel. Questions related to your academic records and your hobbies are generally asked by the interview panel.

3) Read about the organisation for which you are interviewed, go through the official website of the organisation once completely and have a look on the products and services offered by the company.

4) Rehearse your interview round, gave interview in front of your teacher or an interview expert few times before the actual interview.

Consider the following points

Be punctual - Arrive on time better half an hour earlier. Have a positive body language, good eye contact, wear neat and clean clothes.

During the interview be confident about your answers and be true and loyal to interview panel. Don’t hide your weaknesses and accept your week areas in front of interview panel. Good communication skills are essential for success in any interview, so work on your communication skills also. Interview panel may ask the candidate to write something or to draw anything, so well prepare with your stationary items as well.

Selection Process in Competitive Exams Bloggers Blog Bloggers !

Selection Process in Competitive Exams -

The candidates who are going for the examination must know about the selection procedure of the organization, for which the candidate is applying. The candidate must know about the steps that the organization takes to select the best suited person for the position the organization is offering to that individual. The organization conducts exam for recruiting qualitative and dedicated eligible candidates for admission, or the industry is conducting examination for recruitment, they follows various different eligibility criteria. The following steps are the generally followed sequence in the selection procedure of organisations:

Preliminary Interview/Application Screening.
Written Test.
Group Discussion
Employment interview

Preliminary Interviews (Screening interview)/Application Screening: In this step the candidates, who don’t meet the minimum eligibility criteria stipulated by the institute or any industry or company are eliminated. In this the organization gauges candidates’ skills, academic and family background, hobbies and interests. It is not normally conducted in the various examinations process. The final interview is formalized more than preliminary interviews. The aspirants are given concise details about the job profile or academics. By this it is also determined that how much the candidate knows about relevant information.At this stage applicants applications are also screening out and only those candidates are allowed to sit in the written exam who fulfill the eligibility criterion of the organisation.

Written Test: It is a test conducted normally in all the selection procedure of the student or job aspirant. For an academic it is known as Entrance Exam. The candidate appearing for the written exam must have the full knowledge of the syllabus that is prescribed by the institute or the company. The candidate have to be prepared for the exam by reading whole syllabus topics and as well as practicing with the previous year examination papers. They can also practice with some sample papers. The written exam is almost an objective exam paper. There are also negative marks in the exam mostly preferred is ¼. It consists of the following subjects like Aptitude Test, Reasoning, English Grammar, General Awareness, Computer knowledge, or any other subjects relevant to the organization requirement.

Group Discussion: Group Discussion is the criteria to gauge a person for his/her personality traits, skills, behavioral skills and attitude, etc. This also shows the reasoning ability of the candidate. While you are going to participate in a group discussion session, it is required that the aspirant must be prepared for it. To accomplish your success in group discussion you must be able to communicate well with others, with listening skills and understand the stuff that is currently discussing in the group.

Employment interview: A one to one interaction between interviewer and the potential candidate. It is used to check the ability of the person and also to know; Is it suitable or not for that job. These interviews consume time as well as money both. Such interviews may be biased at times. Such interview is conducted by the interviews to know whole details and in/outs of the candidates.

Bank PO/Clerk Exam Pattern



(Preparation Tips) | (Online Quiz)
Exam Selection Process

IBPS Preparation Tutorial


(Preparation Tips) | (Online Quiz)
Exam Syllabus - Useful Topics

IBPS Cut off Marks PO/Clerk

( Preparation Tips) | (Online Quiz )
IBPS CWE Eligibility Criteria

Bank Prep. Coaching Centers

Computer Knowledge

( Preparation Tips) | (Online Quiz )
Written Exam Preparation

Bank Preparation Books

General Awareness

( Preparation Tips) | (Online Quiz )
Interview Preparation

Salary of a Bank Officer

Section Wise Strategy - For IBPS
Group Discussion Preparation

Common Interview Questions

Video Tutorial - Bank Preparation

Preparation Tips for Written Exam Bloggers Blog Bloggers !

If you are preparing for written exam of any competitive exam/entrance exam or applying for any job, then you are at the right place. Here we are suggesting you important tips which every candidate must apply during his/her preparation. Consider these tips strongly these will definitely benefit you in getting success in your exam.

1--> Preparation Materiel - The aspirants must study from latest and update study materiel. The preparation books must cover the latest exam pattern and exam syllabus. Preparation books plays a major role in any candidate success.

2--> Exam pattern - For every exam, there is a specific exam pattern like number of questions in the exam, number of sections, exam duration, provision of negative marking or not, nature of exam (subjective, objective or both). The candidate must considered all these factors in mind during his preparation and during giving the exam. Preparing yourself according to the exam pattern not according to the books will help you in fetching more marks.

3-->Time- Table - A dedicated preparation time table will definitely increase the probability of success in any exam. Students should follow a pre planned time table and divide their study hours in different subjects and accordingly cover all the subjects and topics.

4--> Importance of Revision - Revision of concepts/chapters/formulas and definition is very much important. generally students must keep revising their chapters with in every 2 months during their preparation.

5--> Self - preparatory notes- Self preparatory notes increases your confidence and build your fundamentals more clear and strong. This will definitely increase your success in your exam

6--> Expert guidance - expert guidance is must for any exam preparation, along with the expert guidance students must solve previous year papers and do some mock test papers also.


Carefully read and follow all the instruction given in the exam paper.
Don't overestimate and don't underestimate the exam paper, always remember that every candidate get the same exam paper. If the exam paper is easy then it is easy for everyone and if it is difficult then it is difficult for everyone.
Don't stuck to any question for long period of time. If you became confused and stuck in between then leave that question and jump to another question.
Always attempt your strongest section or the type of question in which you are strong.
Always believe in your preparation and yourself and have faith that you can crack the paper.


Intelligence Bureau (IB) Recruitment 2012 Online Application Form ACIO

Intelligence Bureau (IB) Recruitment 2012:- Intelligence Bureau (IB) invites online applications from Indian national candidates for filling up to Assistant Central Intelligence Officer Grade II/ Executive post vacancies recruitment. All eligible and qualified candidates may apply online within 30 days of advertisement publication date.

Name of the organization
Intelligence Bureau
Assistant Central Intelligence Officer Grade II/ Executive
Total number of vacancies
Educational qualification
Age limit
Below 27 years
Last date for application
within 30 days of advertisement publication date
Online preparation     
IB Recruitment 2012 Complete Details –
Post name & number of vacancies -
1. Assistant Central Intelligence Officer Grade II/ Executive – 750 vacancies.
Educational qualification – Applicant must have graduate degree from any recognized university or its equivalent.
Age Limitation – Applicants age not more than 27 years. Relaxation in upper age would be determined as per government rules.
Pay Scale – Eligible candidates will be appoints at Rs. 9300 – 34,800 respective pay scale + Rs. 4200 grade pay.

Application fee – Applicants will have to be paid Rs. 100/- application fee in any state bank of India registered branch. SC/ST and women are exempted from application fee.
How to apply – Eligible and interested candidates may apply online for IB central intelligence officer assistant post within 30 days of advertisement publication date. Candidates will be applied online at ministry of home affairs, government of India online website  
Note – Before applying to Intelligence bureau assistant central intelligence officer recruitment 2012 please read the official advertisement and apply online through ministry of home affairs, govt. of India official website.
Candidates can subscribe here portal and get daily job alerts message in your mail box.

ACIO IB ( Exam 2012 To 2013, Syllabus, Notification, Eligibility, Dates ) !

ACIO IB Exam 2012-2013:- Intelligence Bureau few days ago invites application for Asst Central Intelligence Officer (ACIO) Post recruitment. Candidates those who are applied for ACIO post recruitment notification now they are looking for written examination preparation. Here portal this page we will provide you ACIO exam syllabus, eligibility criteria and dates.

Intelligence Bureau (IB) ACIO Recruitment 2012

ACIO IB exam Pattern 2012 – ACIO IB written exam paper followed by given below sections.
· General awareness
· English language
· Reasoning
· Mathematical aptitude
The exam will be consist objective and descriptive type questions. The examination for both descriptive and objective will be conducts in a single session.

Reasoning Online Test Preparation
Maths - Online Test preparation

Selection procedure – Candidates selection for IB ACIO post consist of two phases number one written examination and second one is interview. First of all those candidates who will be complete the all eligibility criteria they appeared in written exam. Candidates those who will be successful in the written exam called for personnel interview. Finally candidate selection will be through personnel interview performance.

Interview Tips for Freshers 2012
Preparation Tips for Written Exam

Eligibility criteria – Commonly candidates required to have a graduate degree and age must below 27 years for applying to Intelligence Bureau ACIO post.

Pay scale of IB ACIO – Candidate after clearing the written exam and interview appoints at Rs. 9300 – 34,800 + Rs. 4200 grade pay and central government of India admissible allowance.

Candidates can to do the better preparation from give below books.
Some suggested books name for IB ACIO Exam –
· IB ACIO Guide by R. Gupta
· Bharti Pariksha (Hindi) by Pratiyogita Sahitya
· Bharti Pariksha (Hindi) by Lal & Jain
· ACIO Practice work book by Kiran Prakashan

Preparation Tips for Written Exam !

If you are preparing for written exam of any competitive exam/entrance exam or applying for any job, then you are at the right place. Here we are suggesting you important tips which every candidate must apply during his/her preparation. Consider these tips strongly these will definitely benefit you in getting success in your exam.

1) Preparation Materiel - The aspirants must study from latest and update study materiel. The preparation books must cover the latest exam pattern and exam syllabus. Preparation books plays a major role in any candidate success.

2) Exam pattern - For every exam, there is a specific exam pattern like number of questions in the exam, number of sections, exam duration, provision of negative marking or not, nature of exam (subjective, objective or both). The candidate must considered all these factors in mind during his preparation and during giving the exam. Preparing yourself according to the exam pattern not according to the books will help you in fetching more marks.

3) Time- Table - A dedicated preparation time table will definitely increase the probability of success in any exam. Students should follow a pre planned time table and divide their study hours in different subjects and accordingly cover all the subjects and topics.

4) Importance of Revision - Revision of concepts/chapters/formulas and definition is very much important. generally students must keep revising their chapters with in every 2 months during their preparation.

5) Self - preparatory notes- Self preparatory notes increases your confidence and build your fundamentals more clear and strong. This will definitely increase your success in your exam

6) Expert guidance - expert guidance is must for any exam preparation, along with the expert guidance students must solve previous year papers and do some mock test papers also.


  • Carefully read and follow all the instruction given in the exam paper. 
  • Don't overestimate and don't underestimate the exam paper, always remember that every candidate get the same exam paper. If the exam paper is easy then it is easy for everyone and if it is difficult then it is difficult for everyone.
  • Don't stuck to any question for long period of time. If you became confused and stuck in between then leave that question and jump to another question.
  • Always attempt your strongest section or the type of question in which you are strong. 
  • Always believe in your preparation and yourself and have faith that you can crack the paper.

Interview Tips for Freshers 2012

An interview is a final step for selection to any job. Eligibility for giving interview means that the candidate have right aptitude and knowledge for the job, he has required knowledge about the subject. A one-one communication in the form of interview makes the decision final that whether the candidate should be selected for the job or not.

Different types of interview sessions

1) Questions asked on the basis of your CV and past academics background.

2) Interview by a number of people where the candidate is pressurized by asking number of question during the same time.

3) Interview on doing and explaining some task on some traits like leadership, management etc.

Preparation tips for interview round

1) Read your resume completely.

2) Prepare question which can be asked by the interview panel. Questions related to your academic records and your hobbies are generally asked by the interview panel.

3) Read about the organisation for which you are interviewed, go through the official website of the organisation once completely and have a look on the products and services offered by the company.

4) Rehearse your interview round, gave interview in front of your teacher or an interview expert few times before the actual interview.

Consider the following points

Be punctual - Arrive on time better half an hour earlier. Have a positive body language, good eye contact, wear neat and clean clothes.

During the interview be confident about your answers and be true and loyal to interview panel. Don’t hide your weaknesses and accept your week areas in front of interview panel. Good communication skills are essential for success in any interview, so work on your communication skills also. Interview panel may ask the candidate to write something or to draw anything, so well prepare with your stationary items as well.

Maths Questions and Answers | Quantitative Aptitude Questions !

Maths Questions and Answers - Here we are Providing your Math Question with their answers. These question are from the most common topic asked in competitive exams of bank and Railway.

So one Question from each section will give rise to your knowledge and definitely make you aware about the sections which are important for your written exam. For Some exams they come under the section of Quantitative Aptitude Section. So don't be confused both are having 90% same topics. 

1.  If r = 5 z then 15 z = 3 y, then r =

(A) y
(B) 2 y
(C) 5 y
(D) 10 y

2.  What is 35% of a number if 12 is 15% of a number?

(A) 5
(B) 12
(C) 28
(D) 33

3.  Look at this series: 2, 1, (1/2), (1/4), ... What number should come next?

(A)       1/3       (B)       1/8
(C)       (2/8)     (D)       1/16

4.  If Sam can do a job in 4 days that Lisa can do in 6 days and Tom can do in 2 days, how long would the job take if Sam, Lisa, and Tom worked together to complete it?

(A) 0.8 days
(B) 1.09 days
(C) 1.23 days
(D) 1.65 days

5.  There are 8 ounces in a ½ pound. How many ounces are in 7 3/4 lbs?

(A) 12 ounces
(B) 86 ounces
(C) 119 ounces
(D) 124 ounces

6.  What is the next number in the following pattern? 1, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, ___

(A) 1/10
(B) 1/12
(C) 1/14
 (D) 1/16

7.  If 6 is 24% of a number, what is 40% of the same number?

(A) 8
(B) 10
(C) 15
(D) 20

8.  If 8x + 5x + 2x + 4x = 114, the 5x + 3 =

(A) 12
(B) 25
(C) 33
(D) 47

9. Find 8.23 x 109

(A) 0.00000000823
(B) 0.000000823
(C) 8.23
(D) 8230000000

10.  Divide x5 by x2

(A) x25
(B) x10
(C) x7
(D) x3

Check the Question - Answers  and Check what Remark you get. 

1(A), 2(c), 3(B)

4(B), 5(D), 6(D)

7(B), 8(C), 9(D)

Score comparison table

Your Score
You Need improvement, brush up your concepts again.
You are a Average sorer, but you can do well, keep trying
Very good, keep it up
Excellent work.

Reasoning Questions and Answers !

Reasoning Questions and Answers : - Welcome here in this section you can check out your Reasoning skills to appeared for any competition test. Here we are providing you 10 Reasoning questions with their answers which are seems to have maximum probability in reasoning exam.

So go through these 10 questions and increase your chance to clear the exam.

Q - 1. In a certain code HOUSE is written as FTVPI, how is CHAIR written in that code?

(A) DIBJS                                                (C) SHBGD                           
(B) SBJID                                                (D) SJBID 

Q - 2. How many meaningful words can be made from the letters AEHT, using each letter only once?

(A) None                                                   (B) One
(C) Two                                                    (D) Three

Q - 3. In the following question one term in the number series is wrong. Find out the wrong term.
8,   14,   26,   48,   98,   194,   386

(A) 14                                             (B) 48
(C) 98                                             (D) 194

Q -4. A long rope has to be cut to make 23 small pieces. If it is double folded to start with how many times does it need to be cut?

(A) 9                                               (B) 23
(C) 11                                             (D) 12

Q - 5. Introducing a boy, a girl said, "He is the son of the daughter of the father of my uncle." How is the boy related to the girl?

(A)  Brother                                    (B)  Nephew
(C)  Uncle                                       (D)  Son-in-law

Q - 6. If the digits of the number 5726489 are arranged in ascending order, how many digits will remain at the same position?

(A)  None                                        (B)  One
(C)  Two                                          (D)   Three

Q - 7. If blue means pink, pink means green, green means yellow, yellow means red and red means white then what is the color of turmeric?

(A)  green                                         (B)  yellow
(C)  red                                             (D)  pink

Q - 8. 120, 99, 80, 63, 48, ?
(A)  35                                            (B) 38
(C)  39                                            (D) 40

Q - 9. Mara runs faster than Gail.
Lily runs faster than Mara.
Gail runs faster than Lily.
If the first two statements are true, the third statement is
A.            true
B.            false
C.            uncertain

Q - 10. The total of the ages of Amar, Akbar and Anthony is 80 years. What was the total of their ages three years ago?

(A)  71 years                                 (B)  72 years

(C)  74 years                                 (D)  77 years

You can check the answers of above mentioned questions below---

Ans- 1(d), 2(c), 3(b), 4(c), 5(a), 6(d), 7(c), 8(a), 9(b), 10(a)